All about residential aged care
Get the care you need—and live life the way you choose—in a supportive residential aged care home

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As we grow older, it can get harder to live independently in your own home.
While we all want to live at home for as long as possible, sometimes it’s important to have nurses and other supports close by for when you need them.
If you—or your loved one—can no longer live comfortably at home, you can move to a safe and supportive community where nurses and health care supports are always available. This can be for a short time, or a longer time. This type of support is called ‘residential aged care’.
Moving out of your home and finding a new place to live in residential aged care can be very difficult and stressful. We are here to help, remove the stress, and find the right home for you or your loved one.
It’s important you have the care you need, but also that you feel like you’ve found the perfect place: somewhere you are comfortable and can live life the way you choose.
Need support with Residential Aged Care?
Call for a friendly chat:
Need support with Residential Aged Care?
Call for a friendly chat:, call now:
13 22 78
We’re always here to listen, to help, and to answer any of your questions about residential aged care.

Where are Baptcare’s residential aged care communities?
There are vibrant and supportive Baptcare communities in 16 locations.
You’ll find them in:
- metropolitan Melbourne
- regional Victoria
- Tasmania.
What kind of help or care is available?
At Baptcare, we provide the care you need and the support you want, so that you can do the things you love and live your way.
We take the time to understand all your health and wellbeing needs, and we like to include your family in this process. This includes any emotional or spiritual support you might like or need. We also check in often to keep up with any changes in what you want or need.
Spiritual care
We offer emotional support and honour what spirituality means to you, and how you find meaning and purpose. Our spiritual care team listen to you, your family and journey alongside you as you wish: whatever your background or situation.
Lifestyle activities
We offer recreation and leisure activities based on your passions and preferences to live your best life.
On-site care and support can include:
Staying independent throughout the day
- Help with day-to-day tasks so you can enjoy your best life.
- Personal care, like bathing, getting dressed, or safely using the bathroom.
- Access to health practitioner services like optometrists, nutritionists or physiotherapists.
- Social and emotional support.
- Maintaining friendships and relationships, in your home and out in the community.
- Support for you to engage with your local community and community groups, and participate in the activities you enjoy.
Health and wellbeing services
- Dietitians to help with food and nutrition needs.
- Speech therapists to help with speaking, swallowing or eating.
- Physiotherapists for exercise, safer and more confident movement, strength and balance.
- Podiatrists to assist with foot care.
- Optometrists to support your eye health.
- Visits to the GP, and in some cases, on-site visits from a GP.
- Counselling services.
- Visits from dentists.
- Access to hearing specialists.
- Support for people requiring palliative or end of life care.
- Pet therapy and interacting with animals for emotional, social and physical health benefits.
Support for the things you like to do
Residential Aged Care is all about supporting you to live well, and living well looks different for everybody. Whatever you love to do—whatever makes your day and makes life meaningful—we’re here to make it happen. Some examples from Baptcare communities include:
- Curating and looking after gardens or veggie patches. One resident from Lalor even share’s his homegrown tomatoes with staff and wider Westmeadows community!
- Supporting your passion for music: from drummers to pianists, there are plenty of musical residents who practise and perform in communities. We often have visiting performers too.
- Spiritual care: we can honour whatever spirituality means to you, and support your journey towards meaning and purpose. We have dedicated chaplains and spiritual care teams for this purpose in our communities.
- Trips out into the community: depending on what you like and where you are, many of our residents love to get out and about—to visit flower gardens, visit shops or cafes, visit the beach, or even go hot air ballooning!
We’d love to hear about your personal story, passions and interests when you visit us for a tour.

How much does residential aged care cost?
The cost of residential aged care will change depending on different things about you, and what you like or need. This includes your personal situation, the room you would like to live in and more.
We are always here to answer your questions and learn more about your needs. Call us on 13 22 78 to get started.
Click the button below to learn more about the basic concepts of costs associated with residential aged care.

How do I access residential aged care?
For many people, the move into residential aged care can be a difficult time. When you—or your loved one—move to a residential aged care home, there is usually a lot to take on and think about. You’re looking for a new place to call home, dealing with changes and sometimes feeling unsure.
We understand. We are here to guide you, to answer your questions, or just to listen. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, we can always help.
Call 13 22 78 to speak to a friendly Baptcare team member at any time to take you through the processes for entering one of our homes.

Helpful questions to ask when you visit an aged care home
Whichever aged care home you choose to visit, whether with Baptcare or another care provider, it’s important that you feel comfortable and well-supported in your decision. Here’s a brief checklist of things it may be helpful to consider or ask about:
- What is the homes approach to residents individual health and wellness?
- Are the staff warm and friendly? You want to be able to feel at ease and comfortable communicating with staff.
- What is the homes approach to engaging and providing activities for the residents?
- What personal items and furnishings can you bring into the home, and can you decorate your room with personal items?
- If you like pets, is the home pet friendly, or do they have a visiting pet program?
- What is the homes approach in managing consumer choice and person-centred care?
- Are there spaces for you to meet with family and friends and to celebrate special events?

Our approach is backed by leading, world-class research
Baptcare works with globally recognised research partners to ensure our aged care services are informed by the latest evidence from Australia and around the world.
These research findings mean you can trust in evidence-based best practice, and the very best of care: for you and your loved ones.