Eight surprising traits of good foster carers

Eight surprising traits of good foster carers

Many people assume they aren’t foster carer material because their household doesn’t match the picture of the ‘typical’ foster family that they have in their minds.

The reality is that good foster carers come from all types of households, family units and backgrounds. Your relationship status, family make-up, gender, employment type, cultural background and age are not significant factors in whether or not being a foster carer is right for you.

Common traits of effective foster carers are more evident in their skills, values, personal qualities and their ability to build positive and nurturing relationships with children.

8 surprising traits of good foster carers

Here are eight personal qualities that are common among good foster carers:

  • You have a sense of humour and are generally hopeful.
  • You are enthusiastic but also realistic.
  • You are resourceful and can persevere.
  • You have a good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses.
  • You have a good support network of friends and family.
  • You have suitable physical health.
  • You have suitable emotional health.
  • If you don’t have children you have come to terms with the feelings associated with this
    You have a well-functioning household.

If you have ever thought of offering either short term or longer term foster care, start the conversation today. We’ll talk to you about your specific situation and options to help you find out if this rewarding choice is right for you.

Baptcare is looking for foster carers in the Western and inner Northern suburbs of Melbourne. If you can open your heart and your home to one or more children we’d love to hear from you. Contact Ana on 03 9373 3800 and start the conversation today.
